Tuesday, April 6, 2010


I think not.  Salacious, base, perverse, sell-out.  What happened to the high class magazine that was about and for real women?  Are you kidding me?  Putting Tiger Wood's bimbos (nicest word I can use) in this magazine with a intro on the cover and  treating them to a photo shoot where they were dressed, given expert hair and makeup people and posed in a professional way digusts me  I'm sure they were treated like royalty.  Why?  Isn't that what the "Enquirer" and the "Star" are for?  Vanity Fair has fallen from grace and put themselves in the same category as celebrity rag.  The story inside is secondary to what the cover is all about.

The sisterhood should rise up and not buy this trash.  There is no good that can be accomplished by continuing to keep these women in the news.  It hurts his wife, children and the game of golf.  I am sick and tired of "the Tiger Woods women" getting more than their 15 minutes of fame.  Asking for apologies - are you kidding me?  When did bad behavior need to be rewarded with apologies?  No one is ever reponsible because they are "victims".  Bulls--t!  They all knew what they were doing and gave no thought to what they might be doing to a real woman and her family.  Trust me, I don't blame just them, Tiger is one of the biggest jerks ever and he deserves all the bad things that can happen to him now.  But that doesn't give a free pass to the women who were part of the freak show.

I have a real problem when women do bad things to other women.  It's hard enough being a woman and taking care of a husband, children, family and finally ourselves.  I know we have come a long way since the "burning bra" days, but we still have alot of battles to fight.  Sleeping with another woman's husband should never be tolerated and at the very least rewarded.  I rage about women perpetuating our "lower class status" by continuing to do things (porn, stripping, escorting, etc.) that degrade the nature of our gender.  We will never be taken seriously or treated equally until this behavior stops.

I know this blog doesn't really reach many people (yet) but I ask that you to not support Vanity Fair or any other periodical or medium that treats women in such a disrespectful way.


  1. It's sexist rants like that, that keeps men from truly succeeding in the world of porn, stripping, and escorting. Until women like you can get over your gender stereotypes, talented young male porn stars may never get a chance to fulfill their destiny. I implore male readers of this blog to stand up and be heard on this topic. How long will we allow the blogosphere to perpetuate terrible sexist propaganda. I have more to say, but I'm due on stage. I can do anything a woman can do. Thank you to all.

  2. There are many to blame in this situation...the skanks who knowingly slept with a married man. The numerous female "journalists" and editors who published the story. The consumers who consider themselves "well-read" for reading such worldly "news". Our society's insatiable appetite for celebrity gossip makes it a difficult cycle to stop.

    Although I haven't read the article, I trust your assessment and will remain blissfully ignorant on the latest Tiger Tramps.

  3. You know Blake I have to apologize I never really thought about it from that angle. Sorry, to all you male "entertainers". Your mother(s) must be soooo proud! :)
