Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Couldn't resist.  Buzz Aldrin was eliminated from Dancing with the Stars tonight.  All I can say is there is mercy.  Poor old guy, American hero and all but between he and Mama mia (Kate Gosslin) I had to avert my eyes when they took their turn on the dance floor.  They really should have been eliminated together on the first night. 

The cast of this seasons show is terrible.  I like to watch this particular reality show but with every episode I have noticed they are "producing the reality" more and more.  Give me break, everyone is mad at their partners and are threatening to quit.  Quit ramping up the fake drama and just do what the show does best...put on outrageous costumes, hair and make-up and entertain.  As reality shows go this used to be one of the better ones without the degradation  that comes along with "The Bachelor", "Wife Swap", "The Nanny", "The Biggest Loser", "Hoarders", "The Housewives of..." "Little People", etc. (except when Heather Mills threw a leg - ok I made that up but you know you were waiting for that to happen).

Reality shows are quickly becoming too unrealistic.  This is the beginning of the end - mark my words.  These shows are a cheap way to put voyeuristic programming on the airwaves without investing much in the way of time, money, creativity or production.  The godfather of reality (Jerry Springer) allowed us to view the dirty laundry without getting arrested for tresspassing.  When Mark Burnett got into the game he raised the bar with "Survivor".  It became an instant hit as a summer replacement show and went on to become the most watched summer show of all time since the Sonny and Cher show.  It has been on the air since 1992 and has had sixteen successful seasons.

Even Jerry Seinfeld has gotten into the game.  "The Marriage Ref" uses the same format but is trying to use comedy and star power to push this one through.  It's difficult to watch and a waste of talent.  Is this where the talent goes if they can't get on Dancing With The Stars?

Reality tv has changed our viewing habits, vocabulary and water cooler discourse.  I think at first it was fun in a naughty, something different kind of way, but now its getting old, tired and not so real.

I am hoping that television finds the money to be able to write and produce real shows again.  I don't have much hope though when the main objective for most of the contestants/reality show personnel are only in it for their 15 minutes and a chance to make money once the show is over with appearances, books, a show of their own (rejects from the Bachelor/Bachelorette).  These people basically work for free in contrast to the millions, that say Charlie Sheen makes for "Two and a Half Men".

 The premium channels are doing a great job with well written/acted series. (Sopranos, True Blood, Dexter, In Treatment, Nurse Jackie, The Tudors, Weeds, Big Love, and many more)   Even some non-big four networks are producing some great award winning series i.e. "Mad Men" on AMC. 

There may be a place for all these venues to live happily together in tv land, but I for one long for the good ole days of watching great shows with great writing and great acting.  If that is too much to ask then "vote me off the island". 


  1. BusyBee,

    What? There is another season of Dancing with the Stars going now? It looks like I have missed it again...Oh, well, maybe next year, or not!

    I am just hoping at 81 that I have the desire to dance...even if it is lacking in style. Give our National Hero some credit, at least he wasn't afraid to allow the nation to take shots at him at that age.

    I had the pleasure to hear him speak a couple of years ago. He is a good man and has lived a very full life.

    As far as your comments on Reality TV, when did that start? Since I have never watched any of the shows and reading your commentary, all I can say is THANK YOU PBS and Discovery Channel!!

  2. American hero no dispute, dancer - not so much. Maybe do a special on PBS or Discovery.

  3. Good post, clever title.

    Reality shows have never been reality based. The people you see on these shows are the most eccentric wannabe actors our country has to offer.

    Interesting blast on the Marriage Ref, but I'm not sure Dancing With the Stars is quite the coveted gig you think. Dancing With the Former Stars would be a more accurate title.

    I agree with what you said, so remember consumer, the only way you can hurt a business is to take your business away. The unfortunate angle for adversaries of reality programming is that the bottom line is king, and there's always a market for Jerry Springer. Giving the people what they want has cheapened the major networks and that is why you see so many successful cable shows, and not just pay cable. Regular cable channels are putting out quality shows using real life actors. What a concept.

    It is sad to see well written and produced shows failing because our country would rather watch reality garbage. I get the feeling it is declining to an extent but will probably never go away.

  4. Reality TV is tough to contend with. Having lower costs and greater public interest than it's smarter, "old-fashioned" counterparts, I don't think it's going anywhere soon. That being said, I DO think (hope) its popularity will begin to dwindle.

    Hopefully as well-written (and award-winning) shows like Mad Men and 30 Rock gain greater appreciation, the bar for quality TV will be raised. Here's to hoping...

  5. p.s. Watching Buzz dance was like watching Peter Boyle dance in Young Frankenstein...but without the humor. No disrespect to NASA or the American Space Program (which Buzz shamelessly plugged in hopes to save his spot on the show, God love him), but I'd rather watch "Puttin' On the Ritz".

  6. I knew I had seen that dance before. You are spot on.:)
