Tuesday, August 24, 2010

I NAP... and other things I thought I would never do

I'm not sure when it happened, that corner you turn when all of sudden you are doing things that you laughed at when you saw your parents and grandparents do them.  I can remember as a child watching my grandfather nod off in his recliner in the middle of the afternoon.  I thought "how could anyone sleep right now in the middle of the day"?  Then in my thirties I remember seeing my father nod off in his chair while watching television during the day, sometimes while watching his favorite - golf.  Now granted that could have been from the cocktails and secondly watching golf is like, dare I say it, watching paint dry, so I chalked it up to that.  I personally have never been able to take a nap during the day even after a night or two of insomnia with only a couple of hours sleep.  But lately I have been watching "my stories" in the early to mid afternoon and find myself putting my head back and dosing for about 20 minutes.  That's it - my life is officially on the downslide. 

I have been fighting the age thing with my creams, potions, lotions, vitamins, hair color and fashionable clothes.  I do think the 60 and 70 somethings of today appear much younger than they did when I was a kid.  For the most part grandma and grandpas were white haired and wrinkled and moved slowly.  Today that notion is turned upside down as people are living longer and better.

But there are a few things I do now that I never thought would happen like:

1.  Bending down to get something from a bottom shelf and not being able to get back up without putting my hands on the floor to push.

2.  Getting out of bed two to three times per night to pee.

3.  Onions give my indigestion.  My grandmother's words haunt me now "I love onions but they don't love me".  I have a full appreciation of that now.

4.  My arms hurt when I blow dry my hair.

5.  Bifocals

6.  Memory - short and long term.  I make notes for everything.

7.  I get winded vacumn cleaning.  (Of course some of these problems could be rectified with weight loss).

8.  My feet, knees, back and neck are almost always in pain.

9.  There are things growing on my skin - brown, ugly blotches and tags.

10.  I have to clip NOSE HAIRS!  and I am a fairly hairless person who shaves her legs about once a month.

11.  I have grey hair other than on my head - enough said.

12.  I say things my mother says.  This may be the worst old age indicator.

13.  We tend to stay in at night, and are home before nine if we go out for dinner or a movie.

14.  I put my pjs on around 7pm.

15.  I have my television lineup memorized and the dvr set.

16.  I look forward to "Dancing With The Stars" as a weekly highlight.

17.  My doctors and dentist are so much younger than me.

18.  My 40 year high school reunion has come and gone.

19.  I can't wear high heels anymore and really never even consider it - and I have a pair of Crocs.

20.  Some words used in our household:  gas, gout, arthritis, snoring, icepack, heatpack, hemorrhoids, indigestion, cholesterol and too tired.

21.  and last but not least my "granny panties" are finally in line with my age.

Life really is an incredible journey that goes by so fast.  Seems like yesterday that we were a young Navy family.  We have made the most of everywhere we lived and had alot of fun along the way.  If there is a lesson to be learned about growing old, I think it would be is take advantage of the opportunities to do things when they are presented to you because there may never be a second chance.

So now I'm exhausted from thinking and typing and I need a nap.  Pay no attention to the time I posted this.

BEE  Young.


  1. Wonder what it means when your daughter relates to 11 of 20 of these......

  2. Hmmmmm. I think all of these things have begun...maybe if I would have left that smidgen of bacon in the package (instead of eating it all).....I prefer to believe that the entire package of bacon was an "opportunity" that may not come my way again...say like because I have a heart attack at work while eating a piece of fried chicken :)

  3. you are hilarious my friend!! Way to sum it alllllll up..Terri

  4. If I can't be with you physically....I can enjoy your thoughts just like we were hanging out a few short(?) years ago!! Miss you bunches....Kat

  5. Sorry, Babe. You've been napping for years, I just haven't had the heart to wake you!!!!
