Monday, May 31, 2010


When I returned from a great trip to Sacramento, where my daughter, two cousins and my mother and I enjoyed a long weekend I was exhausted and became sick.  Still don't know exactly what it was/is only that I had a fever, aches, headache, sore throat, fatigue, insomnia, no appetite (a sure sign I'm sick or dead), and a dry cough.  I dragged around for three or four days before I took some antibiotics stored away in our medicine cabinet thinking it might be strep throat.   After five days of drugs I began to feel better.  I began getting dressed and cleaning up and acting human again execept the sore throat and cough lingered. 

I finally made an appointment with the doctor and went in to get a strep test.  Negative.  She gave me cough medicine with codeine which helped me sleep at night.  It's been four weeks now and even though most of the symptoms have gone I still have a sore throat and cough.  Enough is enough. 

My husband is so sweet and such a good nurse.  He made me stay on the couch and brought me an assortment of eats and drinks.  He even made me homemade bisquits when I didn't feel like eating anything.  He wouldn't let me sleep in the other room when I was coughing and kept him awake all night.

Now I am on the mend (still have a sore throat and cough) but much better, but now my husband is sick.  He travels frequently from the west coast to the east coast and with his sleep deprivation and jetlag he caught something.  I don't think its what I had/have but, bless his heart, he has some kind of crud.  The problem for him is he still has to travel - every week for the next four weeks. 

I don't mean to whine, cause this is just some pain-in-the-ass illness, but it's been a month and I am ready to go full steam ahead.  He has rested this Memorial weekend trying to get ready for another trip tomorrow.  When he was in the Navy, he served 26 years.  He only called in sick - twice! 

We are both pretty healthy and don't get sick very often.  I choose to believe this will be our one time this year crud and be good to go for the rest of the year.  I am, however, impatient and am TIRED OF BEING SICK.

To all of you - take your vitamins, get enough rest, exercise, eat right and WASH YOUR HANDS.  Also if you are coming to our house bring a bottle of hand santizer and a facemask.

Take care - be well.

1 comment:

  1. Awww, your bee looks so sad! :( Glad you're feeling better--now we just have to get the Skipper on the up and up! xoxo
